If you haven’t already seen the video this data is linked to then check that out first here
Here is raw data from alpha battery note that SOLAR and LOAD will be off due to a CT metering issue that’s not been found and corrected by heatable https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T6Hp-troktMxfxYM-OPLS9_PBlvhzVMa089E4LweQcs/edit?usp=sharing
Here is the generation data from Enphase https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EuZTnn2Buq9jIFImAHfzZt5gd36eWx7FxL732miyXAc/edit?usp=sharing

And if you’re interested Here is my usage and export from Octopus. Remember to get a quote from heatable please click my referral link here evnick.com/heatable