Cosy In Home Display

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First things first you will need Home Assistant you can go to Home Assistant offical site and buy some premade boxes like this costing around £100 but often sold out and the amazon version is TOTALLY ripping you off so next solution far cheaper!

Buy a Pi4 for about £55 then Bu and SD Card £12 a case £10 and follow this guide You basic plug the SD card into your computer to make home assistant then push that SD card back in the Pi and turn it on!

After that you use your phone to connect to Home Assistant via the home homeassiant app in theory it should find it and do the initial setup automatically.

Next you need to install the HACS store if you follow that on your phone on your home network or even your laptop it SHOULD be totally automatic.

Next we need to install octopus energy app form HACS just search for it.. your need the API key from Octopus app found in your main webpage login copy and paste that code and BANG your in.

Now you can just use your phone to control cosy and some of the automatic integration parts here HOWEVER if you want the NS panel pro and in home display keep reading…

Ns Panel pro £90ish then follow this EXCELLENT tutorial of how to hack it to home assistant if you prefer a written guide go to
Small note on NS Panel pro I’ve used it to replace my lightswitches in my homes as it also controls my smart bulbs but you might not have a 3 wire switch or be happy to change it if that the case you can buy this desk type stand for it that your need to power

Now if you want it to look just like mine and brave like mine your need to download a few more apps on home assisant go to HACS and install the following apps
– Home Assistant Swipe Navigation
– Lovelace swipe card
– Mushroom

Next you need to make a new dashboard for making this work go to settings/dashboard/Add New Dashboard/From scratch

Open it and click the pencil icon to edit now press the 3 dots and raw configuration…

Now this code your paste at the top but DON’T paste it now as it will make your life hard if you do it now wait till you like the look of your display then paste it.. it will hide the side bar on the NS panel pro and makes it hard to leave without rebooting it.

This bit will go at top once your happy

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: true
  hide_sidebar: true
  fullscreen: true
  idle_time: 0

Start with the code below first

  - type: masonry
    path: Heating
    title: Heating
      - type: thermostat
        entity: climate.octopus_energy_heat_pump_NUMBERS_And_letters_zone_1
        name: Primary POD
          - type: climate-preset-modes
            style: dropdown
  - type: masonry
    path: ''
      - type: thermostat
        entity: climate.octopus_energy_heat_pump_NUMBERS_And_letters_water
        name: Hot Water
        show_current_as_primary: true
          - type: climate-preset-modes
            style: dropdown
    title: Hot Water
  - type: masonry
    title: CosyControl
    path: cosycontrol
      - square: true
        type: grid
          - type: thermostat
            entity: climate.octopus_energy_heat_pump_NUMBERS_And_letters_zone_1
            name: Zone1
              - type: climate-preset-modes
                style: dropdown
          - type: entity
            entity: sensor.octopus_energy_heat_pump_NUMBERS_And_letters_live_cop
            name: Live COP
          - type: thermostat
            entity: climate.octopus_energy_NUMBERS_And_letters_af_water
            name: Hot Water
              - type: climate-preset-modes
                style: dropdown
          - type: entity
            entity: >-
            name: SCOP
          - type: entity
            entity: >-
            name: kW In
          - type: entity
            entity: >-
            name: kW Heat
title: Kitchen Panel

Now you can either change that code to the sensor name and letters if you know them OR click save.

If you just clicked save NONE of it works as it doens’t know name of sensors so next we need to click edit on each of the broken ones and then take a mental note of whats written after _NUMBERS_And_letters_ first one for example is zone1… now delete everything backwards to the word heat_pump_ and things will appear pick the one that ends with the correct end so in my example zone 1. and save do this for every sensor and your have an idential panel to mine… once your happy insert that code at the top. Then go to the NS pro and select this dashboard and your DONE!

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